AI-enabled incident response: Speeding up recovery
Along with route optimisation, AI algorithms can assess the severity, location, and nature of an incident
The significance of AI-powered solutions can go beyond evaluating an emergency scenario
By Sanjay Ahlawat
Our society has been long influenced by the deeply held belief that emergencies are purely for those living next door. Contrary to popular perception, an emergency can strike at any time and anywhere without warning. In such extreme circumstances, prompt action is essential for not only connecting those in need with the proper resources and services but also greatly reducing the damage.
Revolutionizing the quick response process, new-age technologies have emerged as a critical instrument accelerating the communication between operators, reaction teams, and emergency services. With the aid of cutting-edge tools like drones, wearables, and navigation systems, response teams can determine the best course of action in no time.

In addition to other cutting-edge technologies, AI has undoubtedly raised the standard by providing response teams access to real-time data, allowing them to deploy resources and take the necessary actions. Gathering data from multiple sources, artificial intelligence facilitates real-time surrounding awareness, identifies and evaluates diverse patterns and helps decide on a recovery strategy.
Role of AI-powered incident response in expediting recovery
Real-time data-driven decision-making: There is no denying the significance of data in executing an immediate and effective response to an incident. By compiling vast amounts of data from various sources, including sensors, cameras, social media, and historical incident data, AI enables real-time accident and emergency detection. As a result, this allows response teams to act more swiftly and deploy resources effectively.
In addition, it also provides responders with a thorough understanding of the situation on the ground, enhancing situational awareness and enabling data-driven, rational decision-making. By utilizing previous incident data and patterns, AI can also assist in the prediction of possible accidents or emergencies in certain locations in addition to real-time scenario evaluation. Consequently, this will enable authorities to actively allocate resources and put safety measures in place to reduce or prevent such events.
Improving navigation: Monitoring traffic conditions, closure of roads, and other pertinent factors, AI-powered solutions provide emergency responders, including ambulance and quick response team (QRT) services, with the fastest routes to the event site. This technology effectively reduces delays and ensures quicker on-site assistance.
Along with route optimization, AI algorithms assess the severity, location, and nature of an incident, automatically assigning appropriate resources like ambulances, fire engines, and law enforcement officers. This integrated approach not only streamlines the response process but also ensures that the right professionals with the necessary equipment arrive promptly, ready to address the specific demands of the situation. As a result, the right resources are dispatched to the right location, and response time significantly decreases due to this optimization.
The author is vice-president, The Response Company